I've never seen beauty so devastatingas in the linesthat trace our hopeand fall from the stars.

Jessica Kristie
Some Similar Quotes
  1. I’ve been fighting to be who I am all my life. What’s the point of being who I am, if I can’t have the person who was worth all the fighting for? - Stephanie Lennox

  2. Those sweet lips. My, oh my, I could kiss those lips all night long. Good things come to those who wait. - Jess C. Scott

  3. A fit, healthy body–that is the best fashion statement - Jess C. Scott

  4. I felt like an animal, and animals don’t know sin, do they? - Jess C. Scott

  5. V-Day…if you need this one day in a year to show everyone else you truly care for “your loved one” I think it’s quite stupid. I hate this commercialism. It’s all artificial, and has nothing to do with real love. - Jess C. Scott

More Quotes By Jessica Kristie
  1. Maybe all you needed in life was the belief you could change things. Somehow. Some way.

  2. Time can be strange sometimes. It can leave imprints in particular places, leaving ghosts of memories trapped.

  3. I want you to promise me that you'll stop comparing yourself to everyone else.' 'What?' I broke off the hug, not understanding. 'You. Evelyn. You're always like, 'I wish I coulld be like this' or 'I wish I could be more like so-and-so'. You're obsessed...

  4. Being a woman, in this world, ultimately makes you crazy.

  5. She has her own brand of strength, brought to the surface by the dim glow of the streetlight and the whisper of night air on her skin.

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